Monday, March 28, 2011

A HUGE thank you & the winner is......

Overwhelmed!  That's what I am.  I never dreamed I would have gotten so many sweet & fun comments, but even more so, I never ever dreamed I would gain so many wonderful new friends.  Thank you to all who chose to become a follower.  I love making new connections with crafting friends and that's what you are to me-- friends.  Someone I can share with, be inspired by, laugh with, and encourage or be encouraged by.   This blog for me is far more about connections than it is crafting.  I can craft all day long, but without "friends" why would I even bother with a blog?
Now switching gears...I got Randy (random number generator) to help me this morning, and he chose one of you new friends to get a little prize.  #14 Mary
1Mary said...
Now I have to buy the Create a Critter cartridge.. you ARE a Cricut Cartridge Enabler. Your cards are Amanzing! I'm sending this link to a friend who sends a card to her grandchildren every week! I'm a new follower.. and can't wait to see what else you have in store.. oh.. and I've been on this site for over an hour.. my coffee is cold.. :(  
Congratulations Mary.  I can't pull up any info on you from your Blogger profile page, so please contact me so I can get your choice of prizes and your address.  You have until Friday at noon.
Have a great week everyone!  Will talk at you again soon, and until then.......
Wishing you sunshine & smiles, love and laughter.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay

Yayy!  It’s here…. The Disney/ Pixar Blog Hop.
Maybe at this point I should just say,  “thanks for dropping by on the hop today, now on to the next stop.”   (You know, quit while I’m ahead.)   Have you ever seen such cute and creative cleverness like the ladies have shown today?  
Thanks to Shawn & Melissa for coming up with this fun idea for a hop and for letting me be a part of it.   If you didn’t start at the beginning with Shawn, please be sure and hop all the way around so you don’t miss anything!  I know there are some fantastic projects and prizes along the way.  There are only 11 stops, (the list is at the end) so provided everyone doesn’t ramble on like me, you should be able to hop right on thru without it taking too much time.   (I’ve got to learn that on these hops you’ve got to keep it short & sweet.)   So let’s get down to business….
Ever since I started making cards last fall I’ve been wanting to make a pop-up stage card and just haven’t gotten around to it.   I don’t know what on earth possessed me to try one now.   It’s kinda like trying out a new recipe that you’ve never made before when you’re having guests over for dinner.   Here’s what I came up with.
Cartridges used :  Pooh & Friends, Create a Critter and Lyrical Letters
Maybe I shouldn't have taken these shots outside 'cause it makes the card look a little washed out, but the azaleas are just too pretty and I wanted to share.  Besides, they say "Happy Spring" way better than anything I could ever do.
For last week’s hop we played a game to win my candy so I thought we’d do that again because it was really fun & I enjoyed the comments I got from it.  For today we’re going to do the alphabet game again.  Starting with A if you are the first commenter, B if you are the 2nd and so on….
Name any Disney or Pixar character (it’s not as hard as it seems, I had my family do a test run.  Just don’t forget all the old Disney cartoons.)  Some of you may not be as Disney savvy as others so, if you really get stuck just name something you would see at Disney World-any of the 4 parks.  If someone skips a letter just pick up where they left off.  After you name your character tell me which of the 2 blog candy choices you would like if you are picked.   I will announce the winner Monday and they will have until Friday the 1st at noon to claim their prize. Prize one is a brand new set of Spellbinders Lg. Octagon dies.  Prize two is Paper Pizazz's Disney Mickey & Friends Paper Pack.  It's an 8x8 pack with 38 papers, with coordinating tags, borders & artwork.

A little after note:
If you want to make one of these stage cards there are several good tutorials out there.   The main one I used is by Kim Score at Paper Punch Addiction.   There are a couple of things you need to keep in mind: 
-Before construction, decide what your “scene” is going to be & what figures you are going to use, then you will know how many tabs & slots you’re going to need for the stage.
-Make sure you don’t make your figures/characters too tall & make sure they are placed far enough to the back of the stage so that they don’t extend past the edge of the card when closed. (Pooh's honeypot is right at the edge of the card.)

Wishing you sunshine and smiles, love and laughter

Hi Ho….Hi Ho, it’s off to hop you go.    Lori’s got something good waiting for you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

If you're seeing this-- this is for you

Your very own cyber invitation!
Hi friends, I hope you will be around this Saturday and that you will hop with us at the Disney/Pixar Hop hosted by Shawn & Melissa.   I think there will be some amazing creations for you to see as well as what everyone really wants-candy!  There are 12 stops on the hop so it shouldn't be too overwhelming.

I also wanted to let everyone in on something great for all of us newer bloggers that have less than 200 followers.  Momo from Made by Momo is doing a "link up" or linking party? (sorry I don't know the correct term for this) to try & help us connect with other crafters and get us all some new friends(followers.)   Last night when I linked to it there were 44 people on the list, so check it out.  I found some really great blogs doing this and have gained a few new friends too.

Several of you have messaged/emailed me that y'all are getting snow.  I'm sorry for those of you who hate this.  I can understand that all of you who had snow (& so much of it) is sick of it, but post pics so I can enjoy it!  We've been teetering on 90 degrees for the past week, which really stinks because it's like we went straight from winter to summer & I hate the heat like a lot of you hate the snow!   We'll be up around and over 100 degrees in no time!   I guess the old saying is true...the pastures are always greener on the other side of the fence-or so we think.   Have a great rest of the week everyone, hope you'll come by Saturday and till then remember....
do something nice for someone and it'll come back to you.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog Hop Winner

Happy Monday Everyone!
Gracious, it's a beautiful morning here and I hope it is wherever you are too.  Everything is in bloom or getting ready to bloom so it is gorgeous, (except for the film of yellow that's covering everything and making everyone with allergies miserable.)  With roses we get thorns, with Spring's Beauty we get pollen!   So which do you focus on-- the positive, or the negative, the glass half full or the glass half empty?
Thank you to everyone who stopped by during the Music Blog Hop, and thank you to those who became new friends (followers).    Mr. Randy (random number generator) picked lucky #13,
"I" I Will Always Love You- Whitney Houston
GREAT projects!! OWH is a GREAT organization and brings such joy to thousands of people!! I'd love the eyelet IF I won. Thanks for all you do!!!
so congratulations Tanya at  you win the Eyelet Spellbinder die set.   A special little note: Tanya is the lady who told us all in Blogland about little Aidan, the 2 yr. old who has been diagnosed with Leukemia.   So if you're a newer blogger check out her page and see the posts about Aidan.

This Saturday I'm in another hop.  The theme is Disney/ Pixar.  It is being hosted by Shawn Mosch, the angel who has given us the Cricut Search website.  I use Cricut Search a lot because as much as I love my Gypsy, she doesn't always give me a good representation of images when I'm searching.  So I'm curious this many of you use Cricut Search?

Wishing you sunshine & smiles, love and laughter!

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Princess and the Paper Music Blog Hop- My Tribute

Welcome to the Music Hop.  I wish I could offer you cake & coffee to let you know how glad I am you’ve dropped by, but since I can’t, just pretend I did and know that I really am glad you’re here.  There are 15 stops for you to visit today, and I’m #8.  If you didn’t start at the beginning with Jillian , please make sure to hop all the way around (the list of links is below) and see all the fantastic projects the ladies & gentleman have created for you to see.   Our wonderful hostess, Miss Jillian, does an amazing job organizing hops, making tutorials AND she has designed her own line of stamps.   All this, and she’s not even a teenager yet.  She’s quite an amazing young lady.

Jillian’s “charge” for those of us in the hop, was to create something that was inspired by a song.  I jumped on this one, because I LOVE MUSIC.   Mind you, I don’t have a musical molecule in my body, but I do love listening to music.  You will hardly ever find me that I don’t have music playing around me, so when she asked if I’d like to be in the hop I didn’t hesitate…….  
STOP the presses.  Once I said yes, I hit a brick wall!  I mean just think about how many, many, MANY great songs there are out there.   After weeks of trying to narrow down my very long list of potential songs I finally decided to think about "THINGS", rather than songs, that inspire me.  That’s kinda cheating I know, but I knew I could link up a song to pretty much anything I could think of.   Funny thing is I immediately thought of a country song and a tribute I wanted to do to go with it.   What’s even funnier is I don’t listen to country music!   God works in mysterious ways.    So my stop on today’s hop is a tribute to all the men & women of our military forces and to their families. 
Thank you all for the sacrifices you make for us –
we, your country.
The song I chose is
"American Soldier"   by Toby Keith/Chuck Cannon
I'm just trying to be a father,
Raise a daughter and a son,
Be a lover to their mother,
Everything to everyone.
Up and at 'em bright and early,
I'm all business in my suit,
Yeah, I'm dressed for success from my head down to my boots,
I don't do it for money, there's still bills that I can't pay,
I don't do it for the glory, I just do it anyway,
Providing for our future's my responsibility,
Yeah I'm real good under pressure, being all that I can be,
And I can't call in sick on Mondays when the weekends been to strong,
I just work straight through the holidays,
And sometimes all night long.
You can bet that I stand ready when the wolf growls at the door,
Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady, hey I'm true down to the core,
And I will always do my duty, no matter what the price,
I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice,
Oh, and I don't want to die for you,
But if dying's asked of me,
I'll bear that cross with honor,
'Cause freedom don't come free.
I'm an American soldier, an American,
Beside my brothers and my sisters I will proudly take a stand,
When liberty's in jeopardy I will always do what's right,
I'm out here on the front lines, so sleep in peace tonight.
American soldier, I'm an American,
An American,
An American Soldier
(Lyrics copied from

There’s nothing special about my cards other than the love and gratitude behind them.  All cuts were from the Stand and Salute Cartridge.  The papers are stock papers I’ve had for heaven only knows how long.  The instructions for the slider pop up card I got by watching Kim Score at Paper Punch Addiction and modifying a little bit.  These will all be sent to Operation Write Home as Any Hero Cards.  Cardmakers, if you've not heard of OWH and if you really love making cards please check it out.  It is a wonderful organization and a very worthy cause.

Thanks again for stopping by today.  I know this post was long- not a good thing for a hop, but thanks for sticking with me.  I do have a little something to try and make it a little more worth your while.   You need to do 2 things to be eligible to win. 
1) We’re going to play a game.  Starting with the letter A (if you are the first to comment) name a song title that starts with “A”.    Second commenter, you’ve got “B,”   third “C”…you’ve got the picture.  If you really get stumped you can name an artist or band with your letter.
2) tell me which one of the 2 Spellbinders below you would like if you win.
#1 is Lg. Octagons, #2 is Eyelet Pendants

You do not have to become a follower, but I would love it if you do, and if you do, please leave me your blog address so I can follow you back.    Sometimes blog names do not show up on your profile page. 
I will pick a winner from the hat and announce the winner on Monday morning, so make sure you tell me the 2 things above, and then cross your fingers.  Good luck!  

Now it's time to see what wonderific creation Ashley has for you over at

Do something nice for a stranger- it will make the day better for them and for you too. 
Be blessed.

Tami you are here

Monday, March 14, 2011

Last card for this shipment to OWH

This was the last card I made to put in the box to send to Operation Write Home this past weekend.  I needed to send a few Mother's Day cards but I wasn't able to find any Mother's Day stamps that I liked when I went to Hobby Lobby (the only craft store where I live.)  I guess since the stamps were on sale all the good ones had already been bought, so me & Mr. Cricut did the best we could, with a little help from Spellbinders.  I know I probably could have found some digi's if I had taken the time to look, but that's just it, I didn't have the time to sit and look.  
My husband wanted to know why I made a snowflake for Mother's Day.  I told him it wasn't a snowflake.  "Well it sure looks like one," he said.  I didn't intend for it to be a snowflake....ahhh, oh well.

I hope everyone will visit me this Friday for the Music Blog Hop hosted by Jillian at The Princess & the Paper.  All the projects are inspired by a song.  There has been a little bit of "stressing" going into this hop by several of us.  (I'll explain later)  but with that said, I also think there are going to be some awesome creations to look at.   So be sure & come hop with us and until then.... blessed, make it a good day for someone else & it will come back to you.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stars and Stamps Challenge

I used one of my new digis from The Paper Shelter to make this card last night.  I've said before that I really don't care too much for entering challenges, but this morning I found out the challenge this week for Operation Write Home, Stars & Stamps Challenge is to make a card with "dots" so since this card was already in my OWH box (to be mailed this weekend) I figured what the heck.  
As for yesterday's post about Mother's Day stamps & Hobby Lobby, well I didn't get the first Mother's Day stamp, but I'll be OK for just about everything else!  As much as I love a good sale--sometimes I really hate them too, (ya know what I mean?) 
Happy Day to all of you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Crunch time

I've made Saturday my deadline for my box of cards to go to Operation Write Home.  I really hope I can get a lot more done before then.   We'll see. 

These cards are what I whipped up last night.  I realized once I started making them, that I only have one "Mom" related stamp, & I don't really like it, so it's off to HobLob this morning for me to try & find some Mother's day stamps (especially since stamps are 40% off this week.)  Wonder how many non-Mother's Day stamps I'm gonna come out with!  
Happy Day everyone!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Upcoming Blog Hop

Hey Y'all.,
Just wanted to let everyone know about an upcoming blog hop.   Jillian, from The Princess and the Paper is hosting another hop on March 18th.  Heaven knows, coming up with a song for this has been one of the hardest things I've done lately.   What's so hard about that, you ask?........You try & pick a song -just ONE song, as the inspiration for a project.  If you love music as much as I do, you'll understand!  
Wishing everyone sunshine & smiles, love & laughter.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My First Digi's

  I purchased my first digital stamps today & made 2 of the fastest, easiest cards ever!  I think I'm gonna realllllly love digi's.  
This stamp is from The Paper Shelter.  They have the cutest images!   I love it because you get both a colored & uncolored version for each image & they seem to be a little cheaper than some of the other sites I "shopped" at, (not that I shopped at that many sites because I don't know very many to try out- YET.)
Yes, these will be going in the box for Operation Write Home. 

 I got some great feedback on the cracked egg card so I'm going to try & remake it tomorrow after church.  It's supposed to be very rainy here, sooooo........a great afternoon for crafting!  Have a wonderful & blessed day everyone!

Friday, March 4, 2011

One cracked egg

I'm gonna call this one a prototype.  It has potential, but needs work.  Should I put something on the outside?  If so, what?  "Crack"?  "Peep, Peep"?  Any ideas?  I already know one thing I'm going to do differently on the next one.  I will put liners on both sides of the inside & probably use my Swiss Dots embossing folder for the left side.  Any other suggestions?  Is the chickees face too small?  Come on gals, give me a little help here, please.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  Even those of us who don't get to go see Bon Jovi, (ha ha- she'll never see this, but I couldn't resist.)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More cards for Operation Write Home

Erma Bombeck once said something to the effect of, " Doing housework is like trying to fill a bucket with a hole in the bottom of it," and I couldn't agree more!  So to heck with housework today-- I just made cards.  For all you younger generations who have never heard of Erma, I bet your mom/grandmother has.  You should Google her sometime just to read some of her quotes.  She was one very funny lady.
Anyway, these are a few more going in the box to Operation Write Home.  I'm trying to keep them simple & very flat for shipping, I just hope they're not too simple.  I've got a few more like these already cut out and waiting to be assembled then I'm going to start on the Mother's Day cards., which they say they need a lot of. 

Make it a good day for yourself by doing something nice for someone else.