Sunday, October 30, 2011

It’s Time to Celebrate

Today is my 1 yr. blogaversary and to thank you, my followers (I prefer to say blogging buddies or friends,) for helping me get to this milestone I want to celebrate and give away some presents.   I have some Spellbinders, a stamp set and maybe a couple of other odds and ends to give away.   The more of you that drop by to say ‘hey’ this week, the more prizes I will put in the pile and the more winners I will choose.  Next Friday I will draw names and you will get to choose which present gets sent to your house.   I don’t expect anyone but a follower will see or read this post from the dashboard, but just in case…this giveaway is for followers only to thank you for your support, inspiration & friendship.  

 For every 15 guests (comments) I will pull a name.  To put your name in the hat and to let me know you came by I’d like for you to do one or two things for me;  just simply say “hi, this is ______ from (name of your blog)", and if you will (but not required) leave me a link to, or just tell me about your favorite thing you’ve made this past year.  I would love to come by and see it.
Wishing you all Sunshine and Smiles, Love and Laughter

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Emma's DT call at My Creative Time

I can't believe I'm doing this.  I'm usually one that's happy to just sit in the corner and watch, or be doing something behind the scenes like the support crew, but I had 3 goals when I started my blog (a year ago this coming weekend.) The first was to meet at least one of my blogging buddies in person. (I've gotten to meet 2 and spoken to another one on the phone several times.) My second goal was to make the Cricut Top 40 at least once-check, and the third goal was to be on a DT.  Well, I'm never gonna make this 3rd one if I don't start applying so... here goes!  And now that I'm actually trying, I'm scared to think of how long and how many tries it is going to take to make this goal.
Most of you that I "talk" with on a regular basis are already on DT's, so how long/how many tries did it take you?   I'm not sure if I'm hoping you say "several tries and several months" or if you say "not long at all."  I guess it will all depend on how long and how many tries it takes me, if I can make one at all, lol.

OK all you regular blogging buddies, let me know if you've got any good tips (other than the obvious like "you've got to apply") and send me some luck now too...please.

The stamps are the Peachy Keen Gingerbread Dolls set and Stampabilities for the sentiment, the papers are DCWV except the gumdrop background paper which is homemade/handstamped by yours truly.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A new one to try

Here I go again with the snowflakes....(sorry to you Northern buddies.)
This is my new favorite kind of card (at least for the next few weeks till I find something else.)   I got the idea from Kim Score at Paper Punch Addiction.  She calls it an accordion peeker card and the measurements are HERE.  I followed Kim's measurements but I have to admit I did everything else quite differently from her directions, but the results are about the same.   I don't know if you can see them or not but there are little suspended snowflakes dangling around the scene that didn't show up well in the photo.  And to give the snowmen arms I used floral wire & floral tape.

The card is 6x6 and would be fairly easy to modify to different dimensions.   I've got another one in the works already.  It smooshes down pretty flat too, right around 1/8" thick.
The stamps I used are by Lawn Fawn and the set is called Making Frosty Friends.  Let me know if you've already made one of these cards or if you plan to make one.  I would love to pop over and see it.
Have a great week everyone! OH yeah, and speaking of weeks... my blogaversary is just days away so keep an eye out for a little celebration this week.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Change of plans

Hey y'all   (and yes, that REALLY is the way we greet people down here, by the way.) 
I've had these little place cards made up for almost 4 weeks now.  I intended to post them for a Thanksgiving blog hop I have coming up in a few weeks, but there is a challenge at the Lawnscaping Challenge site (for Lawn Fawn stamps) that I have never participated in and so I decided I would throw my hat in the ring with these.  
Originally I had planned to have my daughter hand write the names, (I can't because my handwriting is horrible!) otherwise I would have just printed them out on the computer before I stamped and pieced them, but now I'm debating.  I've never been too impressed with alphabet stamps because of the results I've seen, but Lawn Fawn manufactures their alphabet stamps with special features that insure you get good results as far as your line-up and spacing goes so I really think I want to order some- I just don't know which set to order.  (I'm thinking Sally's ABC's but there's another set I really like too.)   Because I value the opinions of my regular blogging buddies, I would really appreciate some suggestions.  Check out the Lawn Fawn store HERE and tell me which alphabet stamps you think would be the most versatile. 

The stamp sets I used to make the place cards are Harvest Season and Turkey Day, and now since I've used these on this post I have to go come up with another project for the hop, so have a good weekend everybody and please come back soon.
Wishing you all sunshine and smiles, love and laughter!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Peachy Keen Sketch Challenge #62

Two challenges in a week.  What on earth is wrong with, the lady who doesn't care too much for challenges?

I actually made this card for my nephew and since it resembles the sketch for Peachy Keen's Challenge this week, I thought I'd enter it.  It's not exact, but it's pretty close if you flip it sideways.  (By the way, I will fix the little bump in the ribbon.  I didn't notice it till I posted this pic.)   The digi is by Elizabeth Dulemba.  It's one of her coloring pages shrank down small.  I've used a lot of her coloring pages as digis but I don't think I have ever posted the first one, and this is not even close to being one of my favorites.  Oh well.

I don't often get excited about what I make, but I can not wait to show you all the card I worked on this afternoon.   I've got to add just a couple more touches to it and then I'll post.  Hint:  It's a new type of card (at least for me) that I found from Kim Score at Paper Punch Addiction.  She has some of the greatest ideas!  
I hope you had a wonderful weekend, that'll you'll have a wonderful week and remember....
make it a great day for someone else and it'll come back to you. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I realized recently how much I have neglected my Cricut so I decided I've got to get back to using it more and so I have.  Besides making simple little treat boxes for this year's trick or treaters, (see previous post) Emma's My Creative Time Throwback Thursday Challenge this week was just the thing to get me going. 
The challenge is to use the card feature from any cartridge and to make it a Halloween card.  Easy enough.  I found a cute Halloween card on the Wild Card cartridge, not very imaginative I know but hey..... I didn't totally take the easy way out.  I didn't like the face the pumpkin from the Wild Card cut had so I substituted the face from the pumpkin on Gypsy Wanderings.  Here's the card with the new face.
New Face
Original Face
Because this is a cut-away card, it makes the inside a little awkward, but I remedied that by putting a spot for a gift card right behind the pumpkin and I'll be using a metallic gold pen when I sign it and that ties in nicely with the little stars. 
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend and I hope even more that you'll come again soon.  

Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet

Hi Everyone.  I'm glad you've dropped by today during Day One of the Memories in Tyme Halloween Blog Hop.   If you're just joining in from the dashboard please be sure and hop all the way around or if you want to start at the beginning you need to go to Lynda's HERE.  There will be a gift certificate from Sweet Stamping Treats offered as a grand prize for one lucky commenter who makes a comment on each blog stop.
I couldn't decide what to do for a project, so I just thought I'd post my treat boxes I'll be giving out for our trick or treaters this year.  I chose some of the boxes on the Happy Hauntings cartridge.   Because I keep them pretty simple these are fairly quick and easy to make and since we don't get that many trick or treaters I don't have to make a ton.
front and back view
I should note that the candy corn box is a left over from last year's treats.  I kept him for myself because for some dumb reason I love candy corn, and I don't mean to eat.  I love to see candy corn, (it's one of my seasonal "triggers" I guess.)
Just to show you how much I love CC here are a few cute ideas I have pinned on Pinterest.

Notice how 2 of the 3 are desserts........hmmm, go figure!
I hope you are a follower or will consider becoming one because I will be having my 1 year blogaversary in a few weeks and I want you to be a part of it.
Thank you again for stopping by and have fun on the hop.   Barbara is your next stop.

Here's a list of the entire hop, in case you get lost along the way or want to revisit anyone (please note that the following links will take you directly to each participants post if you are joining the hop later in the week!!):

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Designed 2 Delight weekly progressive challenge

I hope some of you jumped in and joined the progressive challenge this week at D2D.  This week's image was actually a set of images and what a beautiful set it was.   Check out the D2D store HERE if you missed getting the set for free.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Un-Do, Re-Do & a Winner

Thank the good Lord up above for 2 things, new blogging friends and Un-Do.  I'm so happy to have a couple of new followers and as for the UN-DO, I had been looking for several months for this stuff only to be told that you have to get it by mail order now.  Well, I lucked up & found some when I attended CKC back in August and I bought not 1, but 2 bottles.  I do not want to run out.  This stuff is great and comes in so handy in a case like this weekend.  You see, I just wasn't satisfied with my card from the previous post, so I "un-did"  it and switched a couple of things around,  no biggie but I like it better now,
and since there were several of you who said you'd like a tutorial on my partial pop-up sliding gift card holder, (I hope you meant it, and weren't just trying to be nice) I will be getting one together and post it ASAP.  Thank you all for the encouragement. 

Now for the winner from Brenda's Birthday Wishes Blog Hop......
True Random Number Generator               1                27                 20
1scrappinC said...
Happy Birthday to Brenda. You did a fantastic job on your card. Love the birthday cake. Cindy Lou
Congratulations Cindy Lou, I will be sending you an email as soon as I get off of Blogger.

I hope you'll join me this weekend for the Memories in Time Halloween Blog Hop.  Until then......
Wishing you Sunshine and Smiles, Love and Laughter.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Birthday Wishes Blog Hop

Brenda from Creativity is Only a State of Mind is in her own words, "turning the corner to 40-something," so  Happy Birthday Brenda!  If you're coming from Audrey's you're on the right track and just a little over half way done.  If you're joining in from the dashboard make sure you hope all the way around (all 14 stops) or you can start at the beginning with Rhonda right HERE.
Brenda is offering a special treat for someone who leaves a comment at all the stops today so be sure and leave a comment at all 14, and so as not to hold you up any more & get you on your way here's my project for today.

It's a "partial pop-up, slider, gift card holder,"  how's THAT for a name?   This was hard to photograph, but the cake slides out and is popped up just a little.  This is my first one to make, and I'm still working on a few minor tweeks to it, so if anyone is interested when I make another and work out the kinks I'll post a tutorial... that is if anyone is interested.

For letting me know you dropped by today I have a couple of cute little 3-D Halloween embellishment packs to give to someone.  I want to get this in the mail ASAP to the winner so I will draw the name on Monday night.
Now it's on to see what cuteness the second Kathy has created and if you get lost here's the list of everyone.

Again Happy, Happy Birthday Brenda, and a Happy Weekend to all of you!
  1. Rhonda
  2. Kari -
  3. Amy -
  4. Lisa -
  5. Lynne -
  6. Kathy -
  7. Audrey –
  8. Tami - You're here
  9. Kathy - Next
  10. Susan -
  11. Kacee -
  12. Christy -
  13. Erika -
  14. Brenda -

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Designed 2 Delight progressive challenge- Patches the Ghost

Here's this week's card for the Designed 2 Delight progressive challenge.  The deadline for Halloween cards at OWH has passed but I'm still making them.  I don't know what I'm going to do with them all, and no, I don't know people I can send them all to, so I guess I'll pack 'em up & save them for next year.  The funny thing is I'm not really a "Halloween person", but I have gone crazy coloring and stamping Halloween images.  They're just so much fun, and there's SO much cute Halloween "stuff" out there! 

I hope you'll join me this Saturday for the Birthday Wishes Blog Hop.  I've been working on a project idea that is a little different and I'd really like to know what people think.  So until then, have a great rest of the week.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just wanted to see some snow.....

I'm sorry to all of you who wince with great dread at just the thought of the "S" word, but it's such a rarity to me and because I LOVE snowflakes so much I just wanted to make a snow themed card. 
I haven't been paying attention to the national weather over the past week, but we got pretty cool here.  Did any part of the country see snow during the cold snap? 

*Now that I've posted this I realize I didn't give credit for this cute little digi I used.  I've had him colored for a while so I'm going to have to go back and search my files to see who it's by.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Peachy Keen Stamps Challenge #61

Do you ever have those times when you want to make something but just draw a blank?  Well, I went in my craftroom about an hour ago wanting to make a card and didn't know what to do, so I remembered this challenge at Peachy Keen which ends in a little over an hour and decided to go for it.  The challenge is to follow the provided sketch and add either twine or embroidery floss.  The stamps I used are from the $1 bin at either Michael's or JoAnn's and the papers are some scrap pieces from last year.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lawn Fawn Lawnscaping Challenge

As I said in yesterday's post Lawn Fawn Stamps is hosting 2 challenges for World Card Making Day.  (I didn't know about the 2nd chllenge till I entered the 1st.)  Their challenge blog Lawnscaping Challenge has an "anything goes" challenge with the requirement that you use LF stamps, so, here's a card I made using their mini set called Turkey Day and some leaves I stamped from Harvest Season.  

This is one of those weird instances where the colors in the picture look kinda wonky, especially the brown on the front, but I'm too lazy to go back and edit tonight so sorry. 
I still want to know if I've got any blogging buddies that are Lawn Fawn fans so let me know if you are.
Wishing everyone a great week and I hope it is full of
Sunshine and Smiles, Love and Laughter!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

World Card Making Day Challenge at Lawn Fawn Stamps

I just discovered Lawn Fawn Stamps a little over a month ago & finally ordered some of my own.  I LOVE these stamps!  With today being World Card Making Day I think everyone is either "hopping" or "challenging" and Lawn Fawn has joined in the fun.  Their challenge (HERE) is to make a thank you card for someone using one of their stamp sets (and then actually send it, lol, I think that is their real challenge to us.)
I've really been enjoying using my new sets for several projects (that believe it or not, are not cards) and for the challenge today I chose to use the Harvest Season set (HERE). 
I have got so many other sets I want to get so I jumped on the chance to try & win some with this challenge.
OK friends, tell me, do YOU have any (or want any) Lawn Fawn stamps & if so which ones

Oh yeah, and just to verify that I will be sending this card like I'm supposed will be going to Kay first thing next week.
I just found out by scrolling down my dashboard that Lawn Fawn is hosting another challenge on their challenge blog Lawnscaping Challenge for the chance to win their Frosty Friends set in addition to the above challenge.   Check them out!  Two chances at winning some Lawn Fawn- woooo hoooo!  Now can somebody please send some luck my way!?  Please.